2. What are the tasks of an advertising manager? Discuss the advertising mix factors with the help of examples and how advertising is integrated with these mix factors.
3. What is the role of product-life cycle in advertising? How is it important for managers to consider it at the time of advertising their products/services? Give reasons with the help of suitable examples.
4. Discuss the process involved in the selection of an advertising agency. What is the relationship between an advertiser and the advertising agency? Give your answer with the help of suitable examples.
5. What do you mean by media planning? Explain the role and steps involved in the product positioning with the help of suitable examples.
6. For an effective communication towards advertising, segmentation needs to be clearly defined. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer with the help of suitable examples.
7. a) Discuss in detail the different methods used in deciding the advertising budget with the help of suitable examples.
(b). Both sales promotion and price reduction help in improving the sales of a product or service. Discuss the merits and demerits of both sales promotion and price reduction with the help of suitable examples
8. Write short notes on any three of the following.
a. What is DAGMAR and when it becomes effective? Elucidate.
b. Percentage of sales budgeting approach
c. Integrated marketing Communication
d. International Advertising.
Case study:
1. What cultural, social and psychological factors influence the buyers most according to David John?
2. What are the marketing mix factors that David John is talking about? Explain the market mix factors and recommend your suggestions to David John to improve his recommendations.
1. Advertising is –
2. There are ______ advertising-mix factors:
3. Small lean mean agencies which operate on low overheads and do quality work by hiring experts on job basis are called –
4. In media terms OTS stands for
5. Electronic media relates to-
6. PR consultants are –
7. The first step in business communication through advertising is:
8. Which one of the following is not an advertising objective?
9. The fundamental themes of most ads is –
10. PLC stands for –
11. While introducing a new product category in the market, the advertising used is-
12. Major advertising decisions are-
13. The two elements in the advertising strategy are-
14. A term that has come to represent the merging of advertising and entertainment in an effort to break through the clutter and create new avenues for reaching consumers with more engaging messages is-
Ques15 The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to plan a:
Ques 16 The approach, style, tone, words, and format used for executing an advertising message is called –
Ques17 The style that shows one or more “typical” people using the product in a normal setting is:
Ques 18 The vehicles through which advertising messages are delivered to their intended audiences are called –
Ques 19 The net return on advertising investment divided by the costs of advertising investment is-
20. ANA stands for-
Ques21 A marketing services firm that assists companies in planning, preparing, implementing and executing all or portions of their advertising programmes is called
Ques 22
Maintaining relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community is called-
Ques23 News is one of the tools used in-
24. Recent public relations development is-
25. After deciding the advertising objectives, the company next sets its-
26. The person responsible for the entire creative work of the agency is-
27. The person creates the visuals, the drawings and photos etc. is-
28. The person work as a close link between the ad agency and its client is
29. Advertising agency work starts with a-
30. The most used word in any agency is-
32. Creative boutiques are-
33. Agency with financial muscle are called-
34. Hot shops are-
35. The agencies such as Clea and Sobhagya are-
36. Media department is headed by:
37. AGENCY management is conducted on a-
38. Advertising agencies are rated by –
39. DAGMAR stands for –
40. Consumer Panel Surveys are conducted for –
E-mail me at rsolvedast@gmail.com for solved assignment.
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